Tuesday, April 1, 2014


This year's April Fool, instead of being tricked by my friends, i just got TWO bombs. One is from my friend and the other one is from my taxation lecturer.

1st case:
He stopped me from eating a KITKAT and saying that the food is fattening. I can accept the fact it contains high calories but the worst thing he said to me that i'm fat is so hard for me to accept lorh. ><

2nd case:
Damn you, Mr Simon!! It has actually been quite some time since I last ate the fried chicken, cant believe that i ate it during the taxation break today and my lecturer said this to me "Eat more la, soon u will go liposuction" #feelembarassed I know I am, but cant you said it in a better way that i'm fat, which maybe i can accept the truth #sigh #fatgirlstoughlife

OHYA, just remembered that we actually pranked one of our classmates who was late for class this afternoon together with our lecturer who feel so down cause he failed to april fool any of his pupils since morning. #MrJana So, there is this one girl who came late, and our lecturer pranked her that the class is dismissed the moment she sat down and unpacked her stuffs. It's so funny when Mr Jana, who seems to be so happy with the prank, almost walked out the lecture theater alone taking for granted all of us will leave the classroom as well. But sadly, we didn't leave the room. At last, the girl still got tricked by all us ---> the talented actors and actresses, #feelproud

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